Adapting Resiliently

Stress: Immune Function, Gut Health, and Meditation

Episode Summary

In this episode, Aubrey looks at research from 2017 about how stress can impact our gut microbiome and immune system. She discusses tools to apply to help support stress responses and immune system health.

Episode Notes

Aubrey Mast is your host. She has over 12 years of experience in health and wellness, public health, research, herbalism, culinary preparation,  life coaching and teaching. She breaks down current research trends in the of holistic healing from a mind-body perspective and offers tools for application. 

 Check out  for more information about Aubrey and her offerings. There you can email  for consultations or to ask questions about the content. 

Research reference: 

Househam, A. M., Peterson, C. T., Mills, P. J., & Chopra, D. (2017). The effects of stress and meditation on the immune system, human microbiota, and epigenetics. Adv Mind Body Med, 31(4), 10-25